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Celebrating Women in Engineering Day 2023

Posted on June 21, 2023

A Look at the Women in CCL Design, Working Across Our STEM Professions, Helping to Shape Our Future

In recognition of “Women in Engineering Day” on the 23rd June, we are celebrating those women in CCL Design, working within our Materials Science, Technology and Engineering functions, helping us to drive quality and innovation across our global organisation.

With data varying across regions, countries and professions, women in STEM are consistently under represented both in academia and the workplace. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) reports that Women make up only 28% of the workforce in STEM professions.

In celebration of Women in Engineering Day 2023, we asked some of our female STEM colleagues who originally inspired and influenced them to pursue a STEM career:

Julianne Vandenburg
Senior Product & Print Designer
The Americas

“Personally, the most influential woman in STEM will always be Sally Ride. I was only six years old when I watched her launch into space from the Kennedy Space Center, the first woman from the United States to travel into outer space. I vividly remember photographs of Sally, weightless in space, and just being in complete awe! I think there is still a perception that being smart and getting good grades is geeky, in a bad way with young girls. What I try and reinforce in my daughter and other young girls is that being the best version of you is always “cool” and “can’t” is the worst limitation you can put on yourself.”

Jamie Glasgow
Research & Development Manager
The Americas

“My journey into science was made easier due to the women who paved the path before me - the ones who challenged the notion that science was for men. Throughout my studies and early on in my career, I was inspired not by the famous women of science but my teachers, professors, mentors, and supervisors. They were the generation before me that helped change the perception of women in science. They motivated me to do my best and reach my potential. Today, my inspiration comes from mentoring the next generation of scientists and seeing their accomplishments.

If you like a challenge, I recommend a career in STEM. For the women coming behind me, I would say work harder than your classmates and colleagues. Have a voice. We still have work to do in closing the gap with men and we cannot do it without you.”

CCL Design, Clinton, USA

Niamh Rafferty
Research & Development Chemist

“I was hugely inspired by my Masters project supervisor – she has her own research group at The University of Glasgow. She spoke very openly about the obstacles of working in a male dominated environment but never let it deter her, or us, from striving towards our goals. She campaigns for more support for pregnant women in research roles and equal opportunities for male and female chemists. My advice for any women interested in a STEM career, is go for it! There is a huge spotlight at the moment (and rightly so) on equal opportunities for all. Your gender should never stop you pursuing your chosen career. I am fortunate enough to work in a collaborative environment where it does not matter that I am female. This should be the case for all women interested in a STEM future.”

Glasgow University, Scotland, UK

Gail Tsang
Senior Development Chemist

“My passion for STEM subjects blossomed during my school years, and I made the decision to pursue further education in that direction, ultimately leading me to where I am today. For those looking to pursue a STEM related career – Go for it! Your gender should never be a barrier to pursuing what you love."

CCL Design, East Kilbride, UK


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