
订阅我们的时事通讯,了解 2025 年的最新新闻和活动。

Precision Engineering Lights the Way with our Laptop Branding Design

精密工程引领我们的笔记本电脑商标设计 [案例研究]



A Clear Vision

清晰的视野 [案例研究]



Backlit Display Blues

背光显示难题 [案例研究]



CCL Design Strongsville,illustration, sustainability

成功案例: CCL Design 斯特朗斯维尔如何改变其回收游戏规则


在 3 月 18 日世界回收日之际,我们来看看在CCL Design美国俄亥俄州斯特朗斯维尔的同事们如何持续在其工作场所内减少废物并加强回收利用。

CCL Design 获得宾尼法利纳汽车公司供应商认可

CCL Design 获得宾尼法利纳汽车公司供应商认可


CCL Design意大利很荣幸能够参与纯电动超跑 GT Battista 的落地之旅。CCL Design 为这辆开创性的超跑制作了标签、贴花、包覆和PU保护涂层,我们的贡献于近期得到了豪华电动汽车制造商宾尼法利纳汽车公司的认可

Saga Card中的创新锌电池

Saga Card中的创新锌电池


作为印刷、装饰和功能性产品领域的引领创新者,CCL Design 很荣幸地宣布为极具开创性的 Saga Card 的问世做出了杰出贡献。这款尖端的蜂窝物联网设备可实现从生产到患者的持续、实时、端到端的透明度。作为数字医疗领域的一个里程碑,Saga Card 为全球药品的安全高效配送设定了新标准。

CCL Design 印度金奈先进工厂正式开业

CCL Design 印度金奈先进工厂正式开业


位于印度钦奈的CCL Design先进新工厂正式开业!这个专门建造的工厂标志着 CCL Design 在亚洲的持续扩张战略迈出了重要的一步,并坚定了我们为该地区不断增长的客户群提供世界级组件和产品解决方案的决心。

CCL Design 推出新型 5400 LSE 丙烯酸泡沫胶带

CCL Design 推出新型 5400 LSE 丙烯酸泡沫胶带


重磅!CCL Design推出新型 5400 LSE 丙烯酸泡沫系列胶带。这一创新产品由CCL Design位于荷兰芬赖的专业研发团队历时三年潜心研发而成。

IDT 苏州工厂配置先进光伏系统

IDT 苏州工厂配置先进光伏系统



CCL Design苏州工厂荣获制造业著名奖项

CCL Design苏州工厂荣获制造业著名奖项


CCL Design苏州工厂——丝艾产品标识(苏州)有限公司荣获由苏州市工业和信息化局颁发的“智能制造示范车间”奖!

收购Imprint Energy知识产权公告

收购Imprint Energy知识产权公告


我们很高性地宣布,CCL Design已收购Imprint Energy Inc.("IEI")的全部知识产权,并热烈欢迎创新研发团队加入CCL。




6 月 23 日是 "全球女工程师日",我们在此向CCL Design奋斗在材料科学、技术和工程岗位上的女性员工们致敬!感谢她们为CCL Design在全球范围内提升产品质量,大力发展创新!

庆祝Nathan Burns获得“苏格兰年度印刷最佳学徒”奖

庆祝Nathan Burns获得“苏格兰年度印刷最佳学徒”奖


我们非常高兴地宣布,CCL Design印刷学徒Nathan Burns获得 2023 年苏格兰年度印刷最佳学徒奖,这一荣誉是对Nathan在 CCL Design勤勉从事和印刷技能的极大肯定。

CCL Design IDT苏州绿色工厂-遇见光明未来


CCL Design致力于减少碳足迹,努力创造一个更清洁的未来;IDT苏州工厂正是以可持续发展为核心设计并建造的。

CCL Design 荣获“车身及内外饰零部件优质供应商”称号


由盖世汽车与上海市国际展览(集团) 有限公司(SIEC) 共同举办的“2023第三届车身及内外饰大会”于2023年4月18日-19日在上海绿地公馆会议中心顺利召开。CCL Design作为汽车内外饰杰出供应商,受邀出席此次活动。

CCL Design新加坡热烈庆祝成立50周年


CCL Design新加坡工厂成立于 1973 年,当时只配备一台标签印刷机,如今已成为我们东盟地区业务和全球 CCL 大家庭不可或缺的一部分。

CCL工业集团与 Imprint Energy 携手打造绿色、可持续电池和智能标签

CCL工业集团与 Imprint Energy 携手打造绿色、可持续电池和智能标签



Global Changes Start Local for a Sustainable Future at CCL Design Stuttgart

Posted on: January 18, 2023

CCL Design is committed to environmental sustainability and throughout 2023 we will be sharing some of our ESG activities and initiatives across our global asset base.

CCL Design Authentication is now a GlobalAutoID Solutions Partner

Posted on: April 07, 2022

CCL Design Authentication and Global Automation & Identification Group (GlobalAutoID) announced today that CCL Design Authentication has become a GlobalAutoID Solutions Partner.

学生视角:我在CCL Design的实习经历


今年 1 月,新的工艺工程实习生 Jay Christie-Clarke加入了CCL Design IDT, 在格拉斯哥设计和生产基地开始他的实习生涯。

Reuse Recycle or Recover: The Automotive Industry’s Journey to Sustainability

Posted on: March 18, 2022

Happy Global Recycling Day. According to the Global Recycling Day website, recyclables save over 700 million tonnes in CO2 emissions per annum, a saving projected to increase to 1 billion tons by 2030.

It’s an Exciting Time to be Involved in Product Design and Development

Posted on: March 7, 2022

Emily Carr is McGavigan’s CAD Designer, working closely with our business development and technical leads to design and develop products for the automotive and consumer sectors.

CCL Design are delighted to announce that we are now members of the International Anticounterfeiting Coalition (IACC)

Posted on: February 03, 2022

CCL Design are delighted to announce that we are now members of the International Anticounterfeiting Coalition (IACC).

CCL Industries join the United Nations Global Compact!

Posted on: January 19, 2022

CCL Industries Inc., a world leader in specialty label, security and packaging solutions for global corporations, government institutions, small businesses and consumers, has signed onto the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

CCL Industries Acquires McGavigan Holdings for CCL Design

Posted on: January 7, 2022

CCL Design is pleased to announce that it has acquired privately owned McGavigan Holdings Ltd. (“McGavigan”), a leading supplier of ‘in mould’ decorated components for automotive interiors.

CCL Industries Announces Bolt-on Acquisition for CCL Design

Posted on: October 4, 2021

CCL Design is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding agreement to acquire Desarrollo e Investigación S.A. de C.V. and Fuzetouch PTE LTD (Singapore) (collectively “D&F”) headquartered in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

CCL Design Guadalajara Receive PCAV Certification

Posted on: September 9, 2021

The Direction of Environment and Territorial Development (SEMADET) of the state of Jalisco en Mexico publicly recognized the efforts of companies that manage to obtain their certificate within the Voluntary Environmental Compliance Program (PCAV) by applying sustainable practices within their activities.

Green Week

Posted on: September 8, 2021

The current problem regarding pollution and climate change and it’s affect on the environment is a topic which has increased the concern of citizens.

Apprentice of The Year

Posted on: June 29, 2021

CCL Design are thrilled to announce our Apprentice Print Administrator Robby McCann who is based in our East Kilbride site has won Apprentice of The Year!

CCL Design Announces the Integration of iTRACE 2DMI® Product Authentication with their HP Indigo based Security Label Production

Posted on: May 27, 2021

CCL Design is pleased to announce a partnership with iTRACE Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of supply chain security applications for anti-grey and anti-counterfeit markets, which will deliver 2DMI® highly secure smartphone authentication capability to its customers.

CCL Design Taiwan 10th Anniversary

Posted on: April 4, 2021

CCL Taiwan Design Centre celebrated the 10th Anniversary of its Research and Development facility in March 2021.